Organisations for queer migrants and refugees in Baden Württemberg

Here you can find some organisations that work in helping queer migrants and/or refugees. All organisations were contacted by us and confirmed that they were available for this group. If you want to suggest an organisation we have not listed here, please write us an E-mail or contact us on social media.


Rosa Hilfe Freiburg e.V.

The association "Rosa Hilfe Freiburg e.V." supports social and educational work to help people who are disadvantaged due to their LGBTQI identity. It supports those affected in coping with their individual and social problems.

Telefonberatung Dienstags 17-19 Uhr
Address Rosa Hilfe Freiburg e. V.
Adlerstraße 12
79098 Freiburg
E-Mail Beratung

LSVD Baden-Württemberg e.V.

The Baden Württemberg division of the Lesben- and Schwulenverband Deutschland. Their aim is to work towards social equality and acceptance of lesbian and gay people.

Address Weissenburgstr. 28 a
70180 Stuttgart

Netzwerk LSBTTIQ Baden-Württemberg

The Landesnetzwerk Baden-Württemberg is a non-partisan and ideologically unbound association of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, intersexual and queer (LSBTTIQ) groups, associations and initiatives. They offer many different links and resources for counseling and self help.


Languages: Deutsch | Leichte Sprache | Français | English


Netzwerk LSBTTIQ BaWü
Adlerstraße 12,

79098 Freiburg

Plus Mannheim

Their subgroup HOPE provides counseling, information and support for LGBTQI refugees and wants to raise awareness for them. They offer information and support for lgbttiq refugees, volunteers, meetings and get-togethers for LGBTQI refugees and conferences and events to discuss the experiences and needs of LGBTQI refugees.

Languages: Deutsch | English | русский | français | فارسی | العربية

Address PLUS Rhein-Neckar e.V.,
Max-Joseph-Str. 1,
68167 Mannheim
Telephone counseling 0621 - 33 621 10